11 December 2023

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Our Middle School Council and Mrs Mackintosh, have once again been busy organising shoeboxes for International Aid Trust.

All our Tutor Groups were asked to bring in items for the shoeboxes and our Middle School Council representatives did a fabulous job of checking, sorting the boxes and wrapping them.

On Friday 8th December, Julie Rowlandson, from International Aid Trust, came to collect an amazing 59 shoeboxes!!  Julie was thrilled with the amount of boxes and the van was very full! We have 40 Tutor Groups, so this means that we had an extra 19 this year!! Some Tutor Groups filled more than one shoebox and some of our staff contributed too.

A huge thank you to everyone who supported this wonderful charity. We know that times are challenging financially and your generosity is absolutely amazing. The shoeboxes will make such a difference to children who receive them and they will be on their way very soon to Transylvania, where many Ukrainian refuges are also living at the moment.

Thank you also for the money donation, of over £80, that will contribute to the cost of sending them.

We would like to give a special mention to our Middle School Council elves who checked and sorted the boxes and who have become experts in power-wrapping!

Here are some photographs showing Middle School Council members, Julie Rowlandson from International Aid Trust and Mrs Mackintosh.

You can read more about International Aid Trust here.